About Us


The word “forum” as described in ancient Roman cities, refers to a public square or marketplace. The idea of a forum, where people could gather and exchange ideas, has evolved and grown with technology. The information age however, has demonstrated that knowledge alone is not enough. It is applied knowledge that we seek and encourage here. Welcome to The Fitness Forum.

resilience in body, Mind, and soul

The Mind, Body, and Soul must all be united towards a goal if it is to be achieved. A great workout is useless without nutrition. Eating well isn’t enough to push past frustration. Knowledge won’t get you the physique of your dreams. The three tenets are the pillars of change. At The Fitness Forum, we help build each other’s pillars to accomplish greatness.

Valerie Tucciarone, Founder

My Personal Journey

My athletic journey started in typical childhood athletics: competitive dancing, Tae Kwon Do, and playground warfare. In high school I developed a love for athletics, competing in Varsity Soccer, Swimming, Track, and Cross Country. 

At the collegiate level, I developed a love for coaching, becoming a widely used resource, leading athletic remedial and running programs and competing as Captain of the Women’s Powerlifting Team.

In 2014, I had a weight lifting accident leaving me with herniated discs in my neck and back (among some other injuries). I could no longer compete as a powerlifter…but I continued to eat like one!

Across the next few years over deployments with the Navy , I gained about 40 pounds…of FAT. I had become the very thing I had helping people come back from! So I decided that although I had resolved to helping others and the idea that “when can’t do, teach” it was time for me to make my comeback.

In 6 months, I lost all 40 pounds and competed in my first bodybuilding show (and actually did pretty well)!

I found new joy and appreciation for helping people with any background or injury make their comeback.

Whether your issue is developing strength, losing baby weight, coming back from an injury, or just wanting to run your first 5K,

I’d LOVE to hear about it and see if we’re a good fit to get there together!

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Whether you’re new to fitness or want to fine tune a bench press, we can help.